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Visit to the Tactual Museum
December 2023

The Tactual Museum welcomed visitors from Anacortes, in the United States. Visitors were guided through “The Acropolis and the Panathenaea, the greatest festival of ancient Athens”, one of the significant, thematic presentations of the museum. The presentation is a narrative journey that depicts the social, political, and economic life of the ancient Greek world.


Thanks to the museum replicas from the Acropolis Museum, as well as models of the sacred rock and Parthenon temple, the visitors had the unique chance to encounter buildings and temples of Athens in ancient times. They were able to experience the feeling of Athenians from that time and connect with Athenian history through this special and unique perspective at the Tactual Museum.



The American Friends of the Blind in Greece is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit devoted to assisting the blind in Greece with a proven track spanning 75 years.

American Friends of the Blind in Greece is a tax exempt charity under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.


Donations may be forwarded to:

The American Friends of the Blind In Greece
c/o Cambridge and Eastern Bank
143 Daniel Street

Portsmouth, NH


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